On the move

It’s been a busy time since we returned from France in September.

Whilst away we made the decision to push the button; the house that’s been our home for over 7 years would go on the market and we’d start the process that would culminate in us moving to France.

So since then it’ been a whirlwind of tidying, decluttering and cleaning, all whilst worrying about the state of the economy in the UK and the medium term outlook, and the potential knock on impact on our plans.

The initial news is very promising; the house went on the market and was sold just after a week - with a number of viewings booked over one weekend from which we derived a really excellent offer. Despite the tumultuous time (we now have yet another new Prime Minister!) the market, for our house at least, seemed buoyant.

So we are now walking the process of appointing solicitors, awaiting surveys from the buyers and making tentative noises about when we may move out.

It’s a bittersweet feeling in retrospect; the city which we currently live in, Bristol, is one of the most vibrant in the UK. We live close to the centre in a great part of town. I spent a significant time of my early career life in London yearning to come back to live in Bristol, so the prospect of not being here comes with mixed emotions.

View to Bristol Suspension Bridge from the Cumberland basin, with the Avon at very low tide in the foreground (from summer 2022)

Underpinning all of that however is a the excitement of a new adventure and a new challenge; starting a new life and business; testing ourselves in a way that being a desk monkey will never do - and that feels fantastic (if also trepidatious!).

The timing of the house sale will also dictate when me and H hand in our notice, for which we will then have to work for a further three months and which will also allow us to start house hunting in France proper; we don’t want an international chain situation.

Our next move is a short trip in mid-Nov to get a feel of some houses in the areas in which we may end up, so we will be staying in Carcassonne to allow us to drive up into the Tarn quickly, as well as good access to the Aude and into the Hérault if anything is available in our budget. More on that and the rest of the house gubbins, when it comes around.


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